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Zoom rooms ta e prome systema na mundo di contacto via video cu ta basa riba un software cu ta tuma lugar den salanan di conferencia. E systema aki ta hasi pusibel cu integralmente por uza audio, comparti pantayanan for di cualkier espacio, imaginanan pa medio di video ta yega na cada participante.

Zoom rooms is the first system of contact in the world via video that is based on a software that can take place in conference rooms. This system makes it possibel to use audio, share screens from any space, and the possibility to share videos with every participant.  Zoom rooms can be used so that every participant is able to participate actively, whether they are close by or far away.

Por uza zoom rooms pa tur participa activamente, sea ta serca of leu.Tambe ta uza zoom room pa  contacto familiar, presentacion di examennan final,

casonan den corte hudicial, presentacion di buki nobo, etc.

Zoom rooms can be used to contact family, to do final exams and presentations, and can also be used for judicial court cases, presentations of a new book, etc.




Nos capacidad pa e sala di zoom room: 35 persona cu stul y mesa. Capacidad sin mesa 45.

Velocidad halto di internet, espacio comodo cu airco, espacio pa parkeer auto, banjonan, tin e opcion di koffie, thee, awa, snacks etc. Situa central y bon accesibel.

Our capacity in the zoom room: 35 people including tables and chairs. The capacity without tables: 45 people. The zoom room has high speed internet, comfortable air-conditioned space, ample space for parking, bathrooms, option for coffee, tea, water, snacks, etc. It is also central and accessible.


Conecta cu mundo


Sala pa conferencia, reunion, evento social y educativo.

Conference room, meeting room, social or educational event.


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