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C.E.C. (Afterschool programs) Ta un proyecto di trai merdia pa mucha y hoben di scolnan primaria (basisschool) y secundario (voortgezet onderwijs). Den nos comunidad nos ta tuma nota cu tin hoben cu pa diferente motibo no por termina nan estudio.


Na CEC nos ta ofrese un programa dirigi riba e hobennan aki y esnan cu ta motiva pa participa. Pa muchanan di scolnan primaria nos ta yuda y guia e muchanan cu nan tareanan. Pa esnan di enseñansa secundario tambe nos ta yuda y guia e hoben cu tarea y ta usa e programa extracurricular den e materianan: wiskunde, economie, natuurkunde, scheikunde, nederlands, spaans, engels, geschiedenis, INS, ASW.  Por scohe entre 2, 3 of 4 biaha pa siman. For di 13:30 te 17:30.


Actualmente tin un averahe di 60 alumno. Nos tin 6 docente y 4 assistente cu ta traha riba un base boluntario cu ta ricibi un compensacion pa e trabou balioso cu nan ta haci. Nos ta traha cu diferente instancia cu tin experencia riba e tereno aki. CEC ta Centro Educativo Creativo y ta un organisacion cu ta yuda e hobennan den nan crecemento y desaroyo. Un programma extra curricular pa alumnonan di scol nan primario y secundario.

Den nos comunidad nos ta tuma nota cu tin hoben cu pa diferente motibo no por termina nan estudio. Na CEC nos ta ofrese un programa dirigi riba e hobennan aki y esnan cu ta motiva pa participa. E studiante por hasi uzo di computer, laptop, printer y den tur local tin WIFI disponibel.

C.E.C. Afterschool programs

It is an afterschool program for children and youths that are in primary and secondary school. We have noticed that there are youths in our community that for different reasons are not able to finish their studies. At CEC we offer a program dedicated to help these youths and those who are motivated to participate.

For children that are in primary school, we help and guide them with their homework. For those that are in secondary school, we also help and guide them with their homework and use extra curricular programs for math, economy, physics, chemistry, Dutch, Spanish, English, history, INS, ASW.

We have 6 teachers and 4 assistants that work on a  voluntarily basis and receiv a compensation for their valuable work that they do.

We work with different organizations that are experienced in this field. CEC is Creative Educational Center and it is an organization that helps youths with their growth and development. An extra curricular program that helps students in primary and secondary schools.

We took note that in our community there are youths that for different reasons are not able to finish their studies. At CEC we offer a program dedicated to help these youths and those who are motivated to participate. The students can make use of computers, laptops, printer and wifi.

©2021.  Centro Famia Piedra Plat

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