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Zoom ta e prome systema na mundo di reunion via di video

Zoom is the first system of video meetings/virtual meetings in the world.

Ta posibel pa participantenan na un reunion rond di mundo comunica cu otro via salanan, oficina of aparatonan movibel    (manera cellular) na e mesun momento. Un zoom room por worde usa pa diferente sorto di proposito, manera reunionnan di negoshi, conferencianan, presentacionnan, hasi examen for di distancia, casonan judicial di corte unda no por presenta personalmente, duna les rond mundo y hopi mas.

This system makes it possible for participants around the world to communicate with each other from their living rooms, offices, or even on their phones. A zoom room can be used for different purposes, like bussiness meetings, conferences, presentations, doing an exam from a distance, judicial cases in court where you are unable to be present personally, give classes around the world and a lot more.




Sala pa eventonan

Room/Space for events

Cuminsando di un celebracion pa un hasimento di aña, bautismo, graduacion, anochi di informacion, conferencia, presentacion di cualkier indole, nos ta ofrece nos sala y nos por decora e lugar manera ta desea y tambe nos por tuma e “catering” na nos encargo.

From birthday celebrations, baptism, graduation, information night, conferences, presentation or any other kind of event, we offer our space and we can decorate it as desired and we can also take care of “catering.”




Aki nos ta ofrese algun pasaboca y cos di bebe

We offer snacks and drinks.

Nos tin coffie cu e nomber “Felix Cafe” cu ta un coffie natural cu ta crese riba e serunan di Andes mientras e proceso pa kima e bonchinan ta tuma lugar na Lima. E tin un smaak sabroso.

We have “Felix Cafe” coffee which is a natural coffee that grows on the Andes Mountains, however, the process of roasting the coffee beans takes place in Lima. It tastes delicious.

Apertura Oansa 2021 3.jpg



Oansa ta contribui na  e desaroyo di un mucha riba nivel social, fisico, cultural y medio ambiente, como un base di norma y balornan cristian.

Oansa ta habri pa muchanan desde tres aña te cu e prome aña di educacion secundario.

E programma ta dirigi riba e edad cu e participante tin.

Club Oansa ta tuma lugar tur diabierna atardi di 6 or pa 8 or, e muchanan ta bin huntu bao di guia di lidernan boluntario mientras e promedio

di muchanan cu ta asisti ta 50.


E programa ta basa riba un plan di actividadnan y ta functiona durante e aña escolar. Nos ta traha  huntu cu otro fundacionnan cu tin experencia, cu ta activo riba e tereno aki.

Oansa contributes to the development of the child’s social, physical, cultural and environmental level, as a foundation of Christian norms and values.

Oansa is open for children starting as of 3 years old up to their first year in secondary education. The program is directed based on the age of the participant.




C.E.C. ta nifica Centro Educativo Creativo. E ta un identidad cu ta yuda hobennan den nan crecemento y desaroyo di un of mas materia cu un progamma extracurricular.


Den nos comunidad, hopi di nos ta ripara cu un grupo grandi di nos hobennen na scolnan secundario no ta termina e aña exitoso. Na CEC nos ta ofrese un progamma dirigi na e hobennan aki y na esnan motiva pa participa.

E proyecto aki ta conta cu un coordinadora profesional cu ta traha tempo completo y un team profesional dynamico di docentenan boluntario cu ta ricibi un compensacion pa guia e hobennen aki personalmente.

Ta duna huiswerkbegeleiding den mediatheek cu uzo di Internet, computer, espacio pa studia of lesa den grupo chikito, fasilidad pa copieer,  y uzo di materialnan disponible. Ta haci uso di e programa etracurricular aki den e materianan: wiskunde, economie, natuurkunde, scheikunde, nederlands, spaans, engels, geschiedenis, INS, ASW.

CEC ta habri 4 biaha pa siman di dialuna pa diahuebs di 1:30 pa 5:30 pm. Ademas ta ofrece les di musica y actividadnan deportivo. Ta mas cu claro cu nos ta dispuesto pa duna mas informacion tocante nos proyecto na tur cu ta interesa.

C.E.C. signifies Creative Educational Center. It’s purpose is to help youths in their growth and development in one or more subjects together with an extracurricular program.

We have come to the realization, that a large group of youths in our community who are in secondary school do not finish their year succesfully. At C.E.C. we offer a program aimed to help these youths and those who are motivated to participate. 

This project has a professional coordinator that makes time and has a dynamic professional team of voluntary teachers that receive a compensation to guide these youths personally. Homework guidance is given in the media room with available use of internet, computer, ample space to study or read in small groups, facility to make copies, and use of any available materials.


This extracurricular program gives help on the following subjects: math, economy, physics, chemistry, Dutch, Spanish, English, history, INS, ASW.

CEC is open 4 times a week from monday to thursday, 1:30pm to 5:30pm. In addition, CEC also offers music lessons and sport activities. For all who are interested in receiving more information about our project, we will be more than happy to so.




Formacion di hende completo.

Fundacion ta conta cu un cas pa lesnan di musica cu a cuminsa funciona na februari 2018.  Nos tin un coordinador musicante profesional cu 5 otro persona musicante riba e tereno aki cu ta encarga cu instruccion musicalmente na mas o menos 60 hende entre edad di 6 aña y 77 aña.  

E lesnan cu awor nos por ofrese ta:

Canto | Piano | Guitara | Cuarto | Baho | Drums (bateria) 

The foundation consists of a house for music lessons that started functioning in February 2018. We have a profesional music coordinator and 5 other musicians that are in charge of giving musical lessons to about 60 people between the ages of 6 years and 77 years old.  

The lessons that we offer up to now are:

Vocal | Piano | Guitar | Cuarto | Bass | Drums (bateria) 

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