Junta Directiva

Oansa ta un club dirigi riba mucha cu segun edad y aña escolar ta ser parti den grupo y ta wordo caracteriza pa e instruccionnan abase di norma y balornan cristian. Club Oansa a cuminza na Merca na aña 1950 (Awana international) actualmente ta den
mas cu 100 pais y tin casi 5000 Club rond mundo.
E club di Oansa Piedra Plat ta bin huntu riba diabierna di 6 or atardi te 8 or. Edad ta desde tres aña te diestres. Tur mucha di edad ey ta bon bini. Nos ta traha a base di norma y balor nan pa asina muchanan por hasi un diferencia positivo den nos comunidad.
Esaki lo contribui na desaroyo di e muchanan aki riba tereno di educacion, social y deportivo.
E programa di Oansa ta core huntu cu e calender escolar cu ta vigente cu esun di Aruba.
Nos tin un ekipo di boluntarionan cu a sigi cursonan na nivel internacional pa ta lider y cla pa yuda e muchanan.
Oansa is a club based on children that according to their age and school year are split into groups and are categorized for the instructions based on christian norms and values.
Oansa Club started in the United States in the year 1950 (Awana International) and is being used in over 100 countries and has almost 5000 clubs around the world.
The Oansa Club of Piedra Plat comes together every Friday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Ages are from 3 to 13 years old. All children between those ages are welcome. Our work is based on norms and values, so that the children can make a positive difference in the community.
This will contribute to the development of the children in the area of education, social and sports. The program of Oansa runs together with the current school calendar in Aruba. We have a team of volunteers that has attended workshops on an international level to become a leader and are ready to help the children.